Sierra Float Spa

currently featuring,


Lavender Geranium

Are you ready for your personal care that cares about you personally?

Are you tired of skincare companies focusing upon everyone else, all the while ignoring your best interests?

You're not imagining it, that is precisely what is happening. 

Even with a wink and nod to so called "body positivity"  conventional skincare companies reinforce our insecurities by telling us to

"change yourself to get others' appraisal and approval" 

Claims to make you 

look younger,

look thinner,

look tanner,

look whiter,

look "other than you are"

kinda makes you wonder

"what the heck is wrong with me in the first place? "

We think Self Care should focus upon

what is Right with us!  

Organic and Natural self care products and protocols which

take you on your own personal journey

of self perception, into self acceptance, into self empowerment, into self love.

On a solid foundation of self love,

We empower ourselves to create lives that we love!  

When we live into our passions with imagination, intuition and empathy

It is though our own Self Empowerment that

we create New Earth!

Trillium was started in 1994 by a mama on a mission to create appropriately non-toxic skincare for her own young family. 

OGmama, a handle she earned by creating one of the very first USDA Certified Organic Personal Care brands in 2000. 

Karen still owns and operates the company. 

Which brings us to the next ugly irony of conventional personal care,

it's quite often toxic!

Bodywash  is a sad slurry of synthetic surfactants that strip protective lipids from your dermal biome, creating the need for moisturizers.

Lotions and creams made possible by petrochemical preservatives that destroy the probiotic balance of your dermal biome.

All of it is cloaked in synthetic fragrances, many known to be carcinogens, endocrine disruptors and hormone impersonators.

Even so called fragrance free cosmetics include a covering scent,

to hide the stench of the lies perhaps?


OGmama founded Trillium specifically to offer an alternative to

 the patriarchal poisoning protocols,

our intentionally sourced and mindfully hand crafted solutions are

"Empowered by AI (Authetic Integrity)"

Or get your own online.....
Restore Integrity to your memBRAIN's Perception




Do you choose to avoid dis-empowering toxic exposures?

have you already been exposed to the point of sensitivity?

Harmonious Habits Transform Lives


Welcome Wellness Within

 Trillium Herbal Company
Authentic Organic and Natural Skincare
Handcrafted in Door County 


Trillium was founded by a fresh green lawyer, who learned early that the court system was not the only place to make change.   Always the champion of women, Karen Ciesar (OGmama) and her partner brought one of the first Title 9 Sexual Harassment cases in California,  ultimately established important precedent in the California Supreme Court, "Catchpole v Brannon,1995." Look it up, it's a time stamped snapshot of how far women have come in America.  

Karen, a new mother, began her journey into the deceptive  of American personal care with the birth of her first child, Zephyr.  Unable to make sense of the ingredients, and dubious of the intentions of large corporations, she studied herbalism and midwifery, and wise woman ways for the next decades.  The Grand Mere's of Midwifery, Trillium birthing care, of Arcata, which inspired the naming of the brand.  Later with the Living Goddess Collective that still thrives today in Sebastopol California.  Blessed BE All of the Divine Feminine Incarnate who have inspired Trillium through this amazing journey.  

It all started with a simple question

How did our great grandmothers handle caring for their children?

before the conventional mass marketing of toxic dis-empowerment

Karen, set out to create products that honored the grace and integrity of

humans as a part of, not "in spite of" our connection to nature she wanted to create experiences to facilitate sacred connections

of  humans with themselves and with the one's they love and care for.

To that end, she devised one rule that still stands today

Trillium is made 

EXCLUSIVELY of ingredients with an

"Evolutionarily Significant History of safe human use"

Karen was a founding member and original signatory to 

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics  

in 1999, Trillium made history as one of the

first USDA Certified Organic Personal Care Brands, ever.

Trillium was Certified Organic for 2 years (1999 to 2001)

and after fighting for the right

Certified Organic for 17 years (2003 to 2020)

Green America

Gold Business Member 

Endorsed as a "Trusted Brand" by

Organic Consumers Association

"Coming Clean Campaign"

Trillium stands upon the foundation of trust built over three decades of providing Organic and Natural Dermal Solutions to the Natural Products, Spa, Wellness and Hospitality Industries.

We have sent products to stockists and consumers in 27 countries.

Original Owner Operated

Founder Formulated

Family Focused

Self Care for New Earth Awakening

Essential Oils

speak the vibrational language of frequency, which is your olfactory, limbic and peripheral nervous system's native language.

Organic Emollients

Our Local Organic Cold Pressed Oils insulate and protect the dermal biome,  a welcome respite from dehydration, and distracting exposures.

Perfect Crystals

Finally the crystalline salt creates an electromagnetic exchange of potassium and sodium ions. called Saltatory Conduction.  Allowing the exchange of ions between the peripheral nerves and the salt crystals held on the surface.  The ions move across the signal gated dermal barrier, until resonant balance is achieved.  This subtle re calibrations can take a moment,  hence we recommend that you apply Body Polish to  dry skin, covering your entire surface.

stay salty for a spell

This is your opportunity to focus within, do some intentional breathing, and focus upon your head, heart and solar plexus centers.  imaging the three chakras spinning in harmony, like the three spirals of our triskellion symbol. Feel into  the holographic fractal universe from your own divine point of perception and awareness. 

Focus Pocus

In this elevated frequency of perception, project gratitude, wonder, and reverence.  This is when you can use your free will to project whatever you wish upon the field, feeling the gift given the goal achieved, the healing realized. 

Rinse & Radiate

Whatever depth of connection you reach will expand your emotional bandwidth and deepen your resilience throughout your day.  To revisit that still point and restore your superpower, a whiff of the essential oil from our Soap or Butter, in the course of the day will bring your right back into coherence and resilience.  This is your chosen anchor from when your can radiate grace and manifest new Earth.


Welcome to the Super Human that you already ARE

Try it for Free at any of our Dispenser Sponsors!
 Raise the vibe of your  Clients Community and Cohorts!
Find out how you can Sponsor a Dispenser, or use the Products in Services at your restaurant. maker space, event space, theater, spa, community center, wellness studio, or fund raiser!
Thank you for Trusting Trillium