
Sustain dermal resilience, enhance perceptive awareness, and create conditions for Radiant Resilience. Your intelligent mem"brain" is literally the physical plane of experience of the world external to our internal biological expression. Creating optimal dermal conditions to enhance and facilitate our journey into empowerment.

Harmonious Habits Transform Lives

Trillium is an oasis of sanity in a world awash in the toxic soup of synthetic surfactants, neuro-toxic fragrances, hormone impersonators, nano-particles, petrochemical preservatives and endocrine disruptors. All toxins which remain legal in the US. and are commonly found in conventional body wash, lotion, cosmetics and sunscreen. Our authentic and intentionally hand crafted solutions are made for individuals who wisely choose to avoid toxic exposures, and those who have been so damaged by such exposures that they have no choice but to avoid them now.


Trillium was founded by a fresh green lawyer, who left the justice system early to champion the interests of Women and children by offering a safe option for skincare. Safe personal care was oddly rare and hard to come by in America back in the 90's. Karen G. Ciesar, was a founding member of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and became in 1999, one of the first USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC Personal Care Brands, ever. Trillium Remained certified for 2 and 17 years.(1999 to 2001, & 2003 to 2020). Dropping most certifications ans affiliations during Covid, to move, regroup and refocus.

Trillium Herbal Company Products, though no longer bearing the USDA seal, stands as salty testament to what is possible when the priorities of Purity Wholeness and Balance don't waver for 28 years.

Trillium stands upon the foundation of trust built over three decades of providing Organic and Natural Dermal Solutions to the Natural Products, Spa, Wellness and Hospitality Industries. in 27 countries.

Organic is BOLD

Thank you for Trusting Trillium