Lift your Patrons'
Experience with You
Offer Remarkable Hospitality
When you place a Trillium Polish Dispenser at your lavatory sink, MAGIC HAPPENS
You can literally watch the vibe of the crowd elevate
as more patrons polish and return to their seats gushing to their friend that they simply must go wash their hands.
Some are charmed by the aromatherapy blend you've chosen to match the vibe of your establishment which silently speaks to their limbic system.
Some marvel upon how remarkably soft their hands suddenly feel.
Some experience a quantum shift in their emotional posture from the negative ions from the salt crystals.
Some will appreciate your thoughtfulness, setting the tone of gratitude, striking a dynamic of grace between patrons and staff.
Many wish to buy immediately. you can stock it for retail sale or refer it for affiliate commissions, payable quarterly with product or paypal.

Our Lucrative Lavatory program is an integral part of patrons experience at
In Door County
White Gull Inn, Kick Ash, Coffee House, Seaquist Orchards,
Green and Grains, Scaturo's Bakery, Cultured Bakery
In Wisconsin Craft Breweries
Hinterland Brewery, Lakefront Brewery, Three Sheep Brewery
In The Hamptons on Long Island
Provision Natural Food Cafe & Market
In Taos New Mexico
Casa Bella
This is How it Works
24 Jars of Body Polish for Retail Sale, $22.50 Wlsle, x 24 = $540.00
a 6 pound bag of Body Polish ( $99.00 Value) for FREE.
With your opening order you get one Dispenser ( $33.00 Value) for FREE