Celebrating Brigid this Imbolc - Our Patron Goddess

Celebrating Brigid this Imbolc - Our Patron Goddess

Trillium Brigid

Trillium Herbal Company was inspired by the Glow of Goddess magic; Brigid being our Patron Goddess. She shows us the way through to the Triple Goddess aspect.  She holds the Maiden Mother and Crone together, reminding us that life is a journey through these stages, and that these three aspects are all ways within us, ever flowing. The energy is always within us as we grow through the lessons from without and from within.  Trillium celebrates the Triple Goddess in All Ways with our triple spiral symbol. Our Trillium Triple Spiral is encircled by the wheel of life. 


The festival of Imbolc, is an original Celtic festival held at the cross quarters point directly between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.  The moment when winter's frozen hold on the land begins to soften. 


Brigid is unique among the Pantheon of Goddesses, as she is understood to be a Solar Goddess. She is the holder of the Divine Feminine within the intense and productive energies of the Sun.  This is a great contrast to most Goddesses who glean their powers from the receptive moon.  Brigid is the Goddess who brings fire into the home for warmth, purification, metal smithing, and nourishment with the advent of deeply satisfying cooked food.  

Blessed be the fire that warms my hearth, my home and my nourishing food.  


To celebrate the day, we make Brigid's crosses from straw or yarn.  I delve into my Trillium Time, by Polishing, Praying, soaking, meditating, oiling, and basking in the sun that streams into the southern windows while the sun hangs low.


The kiddos can participate by making a Brigid's cross! (aka Gods Eye) These are made by placing two sticks in a cross and weaving yarn around the sticks to make a mandala design.  Holding your thoughts upon giving thanks for all of the blessings we enjoy.  


This is a time for blessing, as the grandmothers say,  "The strongest blessing you will get is from the eldest female in the home."  Today is a great day to bless the elderly with love, heart warmth and care, and if you're lucky, receive a return blessing from the strong yet fragile among us!


Today is a day to clean your hearth, and seek Brigid in nature and inside your own heart.  “As without so within.”  As we awaken from the icy immobility of the dark winter, and the light begins to return, RISE with the growing solar energies.


Bringer of the flame. Light a white candle for Brigid or one white one red and one black, for the Triple Goddesses she Re-presents The Be-loved Maiden Mother Crone within us all.

BE Well, 


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